One Life

OneLife relies on Telindus’ SOC to carry out its digital transformation in full security

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Their Goals

  • Set up a Security Operations Center (SOC) to monitor flows transiting the company's networks and issue appropriate and relevant alerts in the event of a security incident.

  • Relieve OneLife's IT teams of the management responsibility for security incidents and allow them to focus on core business activities

  • Ensure a seamless security service

  • Benefit from a permanent technology watch and advice in specialised fields

  • Provide OneLife customers with new digital tools while keeping exposure to risk as low as possible.


The challenge

  • Evaluate existing safety devices

  • Develop a thorough knowledge of the company's environment so as to identify any unusual behaviour

  • Respond effectively and appropriately in the event of a security incident


The solutions 

  • Analyse a mass of information to extract unusual behaviours and create new detection scenarios accompanied by a theoretical remediation plan that will then be adapted to OneLife’s real situation, for those considered malicious

  • Implementation of DNS monitoring (typosquatting search, detection of high entropy patterns, real-time monitoring of compromise indicators)


The results

Telindus offers us more than just a SOC. We now benefit from a complete cyber security solution with additional services .

  • Telindus' SOC enables OneLife to identify risks early and thus mitigate potential impacts

  • The most critical data is clearly identified and protected with particular care

  • The monthly reports issued by Telindus confirm the adequate level of implemented security measures

  • The guidance provided by Telindus ensures that patches and updates are applied in a consistent manner



The benefits

  • The support of a Luxembourg-based team of around twenty cyber security specialists who provide 360° coverage on three levels of expertise, on a 24/7 basis

  • The support of high-level experts skilled in analysing large amounts of information to extract unusual behaviours and create new detection scenarios with a theoretical remediation plan that will subsequently be adapted to the  real situation,

  • The responsiveness of a team always ready to intervene to help implement the recommended measures, be it to modify certain configurations, set up a firewall rule or apply security patches, in order to contain and control potential incidents

One Life
A word from the client

“Insurance companies like ours handle large amounts of confidential information.
We must therefore be able to guarantee integrity, confidentiality and availability of this sensitive data to our customers. Moreover, we must ensure the preservation of OneLife’s good reputation on the financial market as well as its brand image. Accordingly, we apply the good practices recommended by the ISO 27002 standard for information security management while our longer-term objective is to implement the requirements of the 27001 standard. We regularly organize awareness-raising sessions on cyber security and the operational implications of the RGPD for our employees. Telindus contributes greatly to the pursuit of these objectives.” 

NADINE TAVOLACCI - IT Security Officer, OneLife

One life in short

OneLife exists to overturn conventional attitudes to life assurance. As a specialist in this area with close to 30 years’ experience, we develop cross-border financial planning solutions for wealthy clients across Europe and beyond.

Whether it’s a question of long-term savings, inheritance planning or simply understanding how to better manage your wealth, we are dedicated to providing sophisticated, compliant and innovative solutions that are crafted to suit each individual and their evolving needs.

Together with a solid network of select partners — including private banks, family offices and independent financial advisers — our dynamic team of international experts offers a fresh approach that helps understand and anticipate the needs of wealthy clients in a world of change.

With more than EUR 7 bn in assets under management, OneLife is a member of APICIL Group, the third largest social protection group in France, engaged in health and life insurance, pensions, savings products and related financial services.