Mobile Price Increase

Price increases will take effect on November 1 and December 1, 2023, depending on the products you have purchased.


As stated on General Terms and Conditions article 5.1 the prices may be revised at any time by Telindus in accordance with the D1 consumer price index (automatic wage indexation system) as determined by Statec, the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 

Due to 2023 index increase some prices will be revised. The price increase will be split between November 1st  and December 1st and will remain below the cumulated index increase of 7,5% of the 3 indexes of 2023. The exact impact will depend on your products and consumption. To get the detailed information you can contact customer care by email at  or you can reach directly your account manager. 

General Terms and Conditions can be found here.

Rate increase details 

Product impacted


Price increase

TALC Data (Telindus A La Carte)

November 1st


S2S (Solutions2Share)

November 1st


PAYU Data (Enterprise tariff plan)

December 1st


SMART legacy version*


*Legacy smart tariffs impacted by price increase are marked in the invoice with an *

December 1st

• €2 SMART S and M versions of 2017
• €2 SMART XXL versions before Octobre 2019
• €1 all other SMART legacy versions

Mobile Internet

December 1st


Tango Fibre

December 1st


Contact us for further information
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