Managed services

Companies nowadays depend on a wide variety of complex systems to run their business.  The internal operating costs are sizeable while those relating to unavailability play a crucial role. Drawing on experience and expertise of more than 35 years as an integrator and of 15 years in outsourcing operations, Telindus is the ideal partner to meet such requirements, in particular through a cloud offer combined with management services.

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Professional information systems delivered in service mode. Delegate the responsibility for your ICT operations to a trustworthy partner.

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Cloud Applications

The cloud application services can help you run your company more efficiently and effectively: improvement of tools and service for the users, rapid and simple deployment of new tools and applications, structuring of management data  and improvement of procedures, reduction of operating costs… 

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Solutions2Share is a simple, flexible and efficient mobile pooling offer tailored to companywide needs, where it minimizes the risk of overconsumption allowing each employee to access data and voice services.

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Public cloud

Based on its many years of experience and in collaboration with the mayor cloud providers Amazon Web Services, Google and Microsoft, Telindus has developed a complete pallet of service to provide an all-around service portfolio ranging from helping customers with their strategy to running their infrastructure and services in the cloud!

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Hybrid Cloud

In order to address the digital transformation and the evolving IT needs of our customers, Telindus has developed a new hybrid cloud offering by leveraging its existing private cloud services and partnership with recognized public cloud actors (Microsoft Azure and AWS and Google Cloud).

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Infrastructure Security

Telindus guarantees an end-to-end project cycle for the optimal security of your infrastructure and facilities. Our cross-functional capacity to handle the integration, audit, design and supervision of your security infrastructures will leave you free to focus on your business priorities.

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Private Cloud

The private cloud offer of Telindus has many advantages under managed hosting or self-service: simplification of information technology, cost control and predictability, reduction of risk relating to innovation, agility and performance, adaptation of expenses to needs or reduction of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

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Application services

Our offer is based on the management of operations relating to business applications, middleware, databases and tools organised by process (environment management and applications hosted in the infrastructure, change management and application uploads, application monitoring and support, etc.).

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Distributed Information Sharing

Collaborative work among trusted partners that increases productivity

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