Digital Signature

Different levels of eSignatures to enable secure & easy signing

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Digital-ID Authentication: eID

Trusted access based on eID, itsme eSign-up, etc.

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Google Hangouts Meet

Hangouts Meet is a new video meeting experience with one goal: make joining meetings effortless so that people can be as productive as they are when they’re face-to-face. 

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Digital work environment

Digital nomadism and the virtualisation of workplaces, the convergence of the private and business worlds is part and parcel of the challenges you have to tackle to improve your work environment. 

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Zero Office

 Your daily work safely, no matter where you are and from which device you are connected.! Zero Office management suite is a 360° customised and secure solution which meets all your employees' needs in terms of communication, workplace and ICT resources while working remotely.

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Compliance Management Portal

Efficient & Collaborative management of the whole compliance process.

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Telindus’ invoicing software: an intuitive, simple and efficient solution for your invoices and quotations. The user experience has been designed to ensure an easy and accessible experience for everyone.

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Know Your Transactions

Detect Fraud, Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorist Finance and other suspicious actions in order to produce SARs/STRs

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Unified Collaborations

The Telindus telephone and cloud collaboration offer is the most advanced at this time in terms of both services and ergonomics. It has unlimited flexibility to accommodate hybrid cloud solutions perfectly adapted to your needs. The service is built on a highly sophisticated infrastructure, hosted in the best data centres in Luxembourg.

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Gesall is a multilingual, user-friendly accounting management tool adapted to the legal requirements of Luxembourg companies.

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