Notarization – Authentication

Trusted source of truth that can be shared among authorized users

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Reconciliation and collaborative transaction resolution

Reconcile items among multiple parties in an efficient & secure manner

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Secure your most valuable information and get the peace of mind you need to develop your business. Telindus is committed to a global approach to advise and guide you in implementing your digital transformation strategy and security policy for the most critical information systems through a complete range of services and cyber security solutions.

Voir toutes les solutions Cybersécurité

Immutable, immediate & shared tracking of items

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Mobile Communication

Enable Mobile-based client interaction using SMS, Voice RCS, Phone#

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Mobile Verification

Use SMS/Voice - 2FA/Multi-Factor Authentication as ID-Verification

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AI-based Client Activity analysis

Monitor, Detect, Act, Learn from Client actions in order to provide personalized service

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Immediate client communication via Chat, Audio, Video, Co-browsing, ChatBot

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Communications recording

Different levels of eSignatures to enable secure & easy signing

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Hardware work environment

The transformation of your company’s IT must follow the same trends as those already engaged in the general public.

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